I am in the process of making my grandmother a throw quilt. I have the top pieced together and just need to find the backing so I can finish it off. My wants this month are inspired by this unfinished quilt.
I love fabric. I love looking at it, folding it, organizing by color, patterns, or style. I will spend way too much time online looking up different designers and wishing I could order everything I find.
Here are some I have been looking at lately at WarmBiscuit-
Things I love That I Already Have
I got this egg crate from Anthropology and am so excited to get chickens this summer with Claire and put our fresh eggs in here!
A friend from church got me hooked on this site:
I am loving these cake pops and will be experimenting soon!

A friend from church got me hooked on this site:
I am loving these cake pops and will be experimenting soon!

Spinnin' in my record player -

I love love love She & Him and have been listening to them since their first album came out in early 2008. Buy this album if you haven't already!
Happy Spring!

Happy Spring!

LOVE the new She & Him album! I listened to it 4 times in a row the day I bought it:)